Deerhoof en St. Vincent vullen programma Roskilde verder op
nieuws Het Amerkiaans / Japanse Deerhoof speelt samn met het Amerikaanse St. Vincent op Roskilde. Hiermee zijn weer  twee namen toegevoegd aan de ruim 170 acts die zullen spelen in Denemarken. Deerhoof speelde in Nederland al zeer bijzondere optredens in het Utrechtse Ekko.
Most slots are filled in this year's music programme. Yet, new acts find their way to the party. This week we have three solid acts for everyone who enjoys music full of vitamins, audacity and wildness.

DEERHOOF (US/JPN) has on countless records made a name for themselves as one of alt. rock's most uncomformable and challenging bands. The Japanese lead singer and her American mates constantly balance on a razor's edge between sugary pop and seasick, discordant harmonies.

ST. VINCENT (US) plays gaudy cabaret pop that will appeal to fans of complex songstresses such as Joan As Police Woman, Feist and Kate Bush. The charming curly top has released two albums with richly instrumented songs that ooze female sweetness with an unpredictable twinkle in the eye.

ZU (I) plays some of the most extreme music of the jazz and metal scene. Some kind of evil, darkened mix of shrill improvisation jazz, grindcore and math rock. The Italian trio's affinity with bands such as Fantómas and Mr. Bungle is indisputable.

Recensies - Yen Harley - Substance of Things
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