Millions in profit from Roskilde 2007
nieuws The Roskilde Festival Charity Society made a net profit of DKK 4.9 million (approx. € 650,000) from Roskilde Festival in 2007. About DKK 1.2 million are now donated to charity. The participating societies also report profits after the rainy festival.

The indomitable audience and the indispensable volunteers defied the rain that fell in record quantities on Roskilde last summer. Roskilde '07 stayed on its solid foundation, and now the account is made up. Both the festival and the many participating societies report decent profits.


DKK 4.9 million to cultural and humanitarian purposes
Despite great expenses to secure the festival against the heavy weather and the following expensive reestablishment of the festival area, The Roskilde Festival Charity Society can now report a profit from Roskilde Festival 2007 of DKK 4.9 million (approx. € 650,000). In the coming months, the money will be donated to cultural and humanitarian causes in accordance to the society's objects clause.

The participating societies also had a profitable festival in 2007. The non-profit societies, which make money on trade and service at the festival, have together made about DKK 12.9 million (approx. € 1,730,000).

Donations being made

The Roskilde Festival Charity Society is now donating a part of the profit. A total of DKK 1,195,000 (approx. € 160,000) are distributed among the following societies and organisations:

A Race Against Breast Cancer (DKK 500,000), SOS Children's Villages (DKK 500,000), Landsforeningen HJÆLP VOLDSOFRE (Help Victims of Crime) (DKK 50,000), Børns Vilkår (Children's Conditions) (DKK 50,000), FAMILIEPLEJEN DANMARK (Family Care Denmark) (DKK 30,000), Morgencafé for Hjemløse (Morning Cafe for the Homeless) (DKK 25,000), Dansk Center vedrørende Alkoholisme og andre Afhængighedssygdomme (Danish centre for alcoholism and other Addiction Illnesses) (DKK 20,000) and Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen (Music Education for Fourth Grade Students) (DKK 20,000).

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